I always thought it was an odd story...how stupid can 3 million people be to wander for
40 years? Even without GPS...just saying.
just think of the logistics to organise a nation of people to accomplish this venture.people who say god provided.... just dont think.. they needed food ,clothing,utensils,tents,tools,fabric,livestock,for food & sacrifice,water,space between families,sanitary facilities,etc.etc.etc.. and don`t forget a generation had to die off before they could enter the promised land.. where is the evidence for any of this.. smiddy.
I always thought it was an odd story...how stupid can 3 million people be to wander for
40 years? Even without GPS...just saying.
some of you know that i am deaf.
Llama..I didn't know you were deaf. I sometimes do captioning for deaf people...I am
a court reporter. I think it's wonderful...some of us go into schools and provide CART
i kid you not.
the latest watchtower study edition has the following question under consideration in the "questions from readers" article on page 20:.
do jesus words found at matthew 19:10-12 suggest that those who choose to remain single have received the gift of singleness in a mysterious way?.
No one..I think they made it up themselves, just like all of the "examples."
i've been browsing here for some time now and i've read the erroneous arguments supporting 587, the petty feelings over the un, blah blah blah.
this is a community of disgruntled people telling each other what they want to hear.
you've all essentially created your own truth, tickling your own ears.
Somebody drank their Hatorade!
i was watching the beverly hillbillies the other night and i have to say, the writing and the acting was terrific!.
another classic is all in the family.
loved that show!.
Only Fools and Horses is my alltime favourite...
If anyone can post the scene where Del Boy falls through the bar..
I laugh every time I see that!
Also loved Harry Enfield and Chums...
newflash in the ongoing addiction and mania that started at age twelve when the national broadcast news showed pictures of these english boys with very, very long hair.
i stopped by a local grocery store b/c i was not certain that a challis scarf was wool or rayon b/c the fabric content is in arabic.
thank allah for arabic numerals.
Hey Band..
That's brilliant...I met George Harrison and few years back when I lived in the UK. His house was
burglarized and I was the court reporter covering the trial. The guy got convicted. It was a bit
of a media circus....
It's obvious Mr. Moron (I like that :) hasn't had the privelege of higher education. He doesn't even
know what he's talking about. What he's talking about is Gremlins 1 and 2; where tiny creatures
that inhabit college campuses only infiltrate your child's brain and turn them into naughty free-thinking
individuals who can decide for themselves what direction their life should take.
Who taught this bloke how to talk anyway? I think he's creepy. Makes my skin crawl. I can't put
my finger on it, but there's something off with that man.
Notice, too, how he says "support your wife/children." Nothing about women working either. I bet
he sits in his room at Bethel watching reruns of Leave it to Beaver while making notes for his talks.
Just sayin... :)
if you haven't checked out the official site lately, this article is a belly buster.
ironic how a bunch.
of stodgy, high-school educated only men who live and eat for free on the backs of others.
If you haven't checked out the official site lately, this article is a belly buster. Ironic how a bunch
of stodgy, high-school educated only men who live and eat for FREE on the backs of others
feel justified in giving advice on how to find and keep a job.
The articles on why don't boys and girls like me is pretty entertaining as well. The society is so
out of touch with the real world it's mind boggling....
gore vidal's death tuesday in los angeles got me to thinking about writers.
i am a writer myself and i know there are many other writers on this forum.
i wanted to open a discussion on writing in the twenty-first century and get other thoughts, opinions and experiences on this.
I am a writer as well...I have notebooks filled with poems and diaries from the 80s. I sometimes
go back and read them. I've kept most of them. When word processing came around, I was
thrilled. I had an old typewriter that I used but the thought of just pushing delete or backspace
was brilliant. However, I do believe the "art" of writing is lost on the young. My son, who is
20, can barely write a letter. He's a whiz with computers, etc...but writing forget it!
Quendi....pm me about your novel. I am working on one as well and I would be interested to
hear about yours. Mine is a crime novel..quite appropriate, since I've been a court stenographer
for 20 years.
a 25 year old relative of mine was being stalked last week by an older woman.
the police were involved and the perpetrator arrested.. as it was the convention and his uber zealous, hypocritical mother- aka my sister, was going to be absent from home i called to see how he was doing.
in the course of the conversation i referred to 50 shades of grey' (the stalker had fantasised about him being mr grey).
Send her a copy of 50 Shades....that should do it .